Tag: india
Influencer collaboration on YouTube: Changing political outreach in the 2024 Indian Elections
Sarah Khan, Rudransh Mukherjee, Joyojeet Pal Abstract With the increasing importance of highly followed accounts of influencers on social media platforms like YouTube, politicians have started considering these as an alternative to mainstream media interviews. We examined this trend and shortlisted five YouTube accounts that have featured high-profile politicians in the run up to the…
Indian Journalists on Twitter and their Politician Footprint
Soham De, Joyojeet Pal (to cite: De, Soham, and Pal, Joyojeet (2022) Indian Journalists on Twitter and their Politician Footprint. Accessed online at https://joyojeet.people.si.umich.edu/journalists) Recent discussions around large corporations maintaining watchlists of journalists have added new questions around how the positions of journalists on issues can be understood vis-a-vis institutions they report on. In India,…
What #hashtag wars tell us about the organization of Uttar Pradesh IT cells, and how parties mark their allies and enemies
Asmit Singh*, Jivitesh Jain*, Lalitha Kameswari*, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Joyojeet Pal Pitched battles on Twitter are increasingly common among the key players in the Uttar Pradesh elections, since the praises, innuendo, and insults that take shape and virality on Twitter often find new lives on other social media such as WhatsApp, but also on mainstream television…
Did Twitter Consciously Undermine an Opposition Leader in India? An Analysis of the Rahul Gandhi Following Affair
Anmol Panda, Joyojeet Pal A complaint from Rahul Gandhi to Twitter about the stagnation in his Twitter following triggered a conversation about the social media giant’s possible role in undermining political speech. Gandhi’s team alleged that the stagnation, and occasional drop in his followers was driven by demands from the ruling party that the opposition…
Rihanna versus Bollywood: Twitter Influencers and the Indian Farmers’ protest
Dibyendu Mishra, Syeda Zainab Akbar, Arshia Arya, Saloni Dash, Rynaa Grover, Joyojeet Pal D Mishra, SZ Akbar, A Arya, S Dash, R Grover, J Pal. 2021. Rihanna versus Bollywood: Twitter Influencers and the Indian Farmers’ Protest. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04031, 2021. Available online at https://joyojeet.people.si.umich.edu/RihannaVsBollywood On February 2, 2021, American musician Rihanna posted a tweet, asking “why…